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Preparing Students for High School and Beyond

We are a Christian school equipping young students to reach their full potential through Nursery, Kinder 1&2, and Grades 1-6 programs.

Welcome to our School


Welcome and thank you for visiting our website.

Ben Lippen Christian Learning School Foundation (BCLSF) exists to offer an integrated and personalized education using a Bible-based curriculum integrating biblical truths into all areas of learning and to bring young children to faith in Christ and help develop a Christian character that honors God. BCLSF offers challenging academics, extra-curricular activities, and the spiritual and social training required for students in preparation for high school education.

The school is committed to teaching the heart as well as the mind. Children’s hearts are tender and the foundation of their education is vital.

Eleanor B. Cocos, Principal

~ Ben Lippen Christian Learning School Foundation (BCLSF)~


Preparing Students for High School and Beyond

“BCLSF is a Christian school equipping young students to reach their

full potential through Nursery, Kinder 1&2, and Grades 1-6 programs"

Christian greetings!


One of my passions is reading books, if I have time.  I have a collection of books waiting for me to read and one of these is a biography of Martha Berry, the founder of Berry College in Rome, GA., a book given to me by a friend when she learned that my son was attending Berry College.  That was in the late nineties.  While reading the book, I could not hold my emotions for I have seen how God’s mighty acts displayed in the faith of a woman who sacrificed everything in her life, including her possessions, to help others have a better life.  Ms. Martha, a well-educated woman who came from a well-to-do family, was truly kind and courageous lady.  When she started the school of uneducated boys in the mountains of Rome, Georgia, she faced many obstacles and challenges.  She was not intimidated by criticisms and oppositions.  Her compassion and love for underprivileged people made her pursue her dreams.  With her faith in God who owns everything, she devoted her life in this venture until her last breath.  She started with only a few boys who were eager to learn and through her effort, today the school is labelled as one of the most prestigious Christian colleges in the state of Georgia.  As I read through the pages of the book, I am reminded of the song written by Kittie L. Suffield, 1924, entitled “Little Is Much When God Is In It”. Here is a part of that popular song:

                     [“In the harvest field now ripened, There’s a work for all to do;
                        Hark! the Master’s voice is calling, To the harvest calling you.

                        Refrain: Little is much when God is in it! Labor not for wealth or fame;
                                        There’s a crown, and you can win it, If you go in Jesus’ name.”]


Reflecting on the history of Ben Lippen Christian Learning School Foundation (BCLSF) I cannot help but look back and recall the school’s simple beginnings. God has blessed and sustained the needs of the school for almost 17 years now. We could not do what Martha Berry has done where she was able to motivate the rich and influential people during her time like Henry Ford, President Roosevelt, and many others to support her work. However, we thank God for leading us to people with a heart to help and share their resources so that BCLSF can continue to carry out its vision and mission which is to “Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (Amplified).  Who would have thought that when we started the work with only eighteen preschoolers and classes were conducted in a house is now offering seven levels of early education (kindergarten to sixth grade) and has reached a one hundred mark in its enrolment.  To God be the glory!


The 2024-2025 school year commenced last July 22 and will end in the last week of May 2025.  Some students who had unpaid bills in the past school year almost did not make it to registration.  Parents almost transferred their children to the public school, but they were persistent and determined to go back to their beloved BCLSF.  Praise God, with special gifts received from friends to help these students, they were able to enroll on time.  As always, we thank you for each one who is partnering with us in prayers and financial support.  May the “All Sufficient, Sovereign, Faithful, and Merciful God” continue to bless you abundantly.


On behalf of Ben Lippen Christian Learning School Foundation, Inc.

Frank and Flor Oamil, School Founders


FUNCTION HALL = where Bible Hour is conducted once a week. 

The student body is divided into two sections:

Section 1- Preschool, Grades 1 & 2

Section 2- Grades 3 to 6)

This is a time for worship and praise, listen to Bible story or short message, and sing spiritual songs.



Christian Aid Mission (CAM) accepts donations on behalf

of Ben Lippen Christian Learning School Foundation (BCLSF)


Make your check payable to Christian Aid Mission and please write 801BCLS on the comment line of your check to ensure your donation reaches Ben Lippen Christian School.  Mail your check to:

          Christian Aid Mission

          P.O. Box 9037

          Charlottesville, VA 22906-9037

You can also give online through their website. 

This is a step-by-step procedure for online giving to CAM:

1. visit website
2. click "
Donate" on the banner line

3. go to "My Projects" and fill out the blanks:
   a. PROJECT:
   b. DESIGNATION: (Ben Lippen Christian Learning School)
   c. AMOUNT: ($____)
  d. FREQUENCY: (once, monthly,)
4. click "
Add to Basket"
5. fill out "
Your Information" & "Payment Details" (leave "Donor ID" blank)

There are two types you can designate your donation:

1. Student sponsorship – these are children of low income and single parents, orphans, pastor/Christian worker’s kids, BCLSF staff’s kids and most outstanding student in each class.  School fees for one child cost $35 dollars a month or $350 a year.  If you desire to relate to your sponsored child, we can select a particular one for you. 

2. General fund – Any gift for the general fund will help cover an individual teacher’s salary which is $250 dollars a month (BCLSF has seven [7] teachers and four [4] administrative staff).


NOTE:  To properly acknowledge your gift thru CAM, please notify Flor Oamil by email ( or text (803)767-0279 or mail check to:

          Flor Oamil

          8732 Hotchkiss St.

          Littleton, CO 80125

About us

Our History

In gratitude to God's love and  faithfulness, Frank and Flor Oamil, envisioned the establishment of a Christian school in the...


Carefully Designed Curriculum - 

Ben Lippen Christian Learning School Foundation (BCLSF) offers a flexible program of early education in an inspiring Christ-centered...

Meet our staff

The mission and vision of Ben Lippen Christian Learning School Foundation (BCLSF) are accomplished through the energetic and committed teachers who love...

Contact us

Please feel free to visit us for all inquiries .


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Cagayan 3518, Philippines

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